Crocheting was my first crafting love. I loved crocheting so much that for a year or so I made my living as a professional crocheter for Estelle Gracer. I truly can't recall how many of these jackets I made (the first style I made, luckily I did get to make other styles), but I averaged 4 jackets per week.
Since I love crocheting, I'm always excited when another crafter gets hooked. Like Heidi. Heidi wants to make a granny-square afghan, and has purchased yarn, but isn't sure she has enough. I pointed her to this Lion Brand Yarn Site
From Heidi's site, I wandered over to Lucy's, and found that she had completed a BIG Granny Afghan in 2009, and she kindly shares her original granny square instructions.
Thinking about my time at Estelle's, I pulled out my original Q hook to show you.
The pen is there to keep the hooks from rolling away. The hook on the left is the original, the one on the right one I purchased a few years ago to make a two sided afghan. (Remind me to share with you how to make one - it's really simple once you get started, requiring only a basic chain and single crochets.)
No, your eyes are not deceiving you - that's a hole in the old hook - worn there by countless crochet stitches (I only saved this one - I think I had to buy a new hook every 2-4 months back then).
And this is one skein of the yarn I bought on sale back during the summer. I hope to either knit or crochet myself a sweater this winter. It's tough to get the color right at night by flash - the color is blue mint, and it's much more vibrant than this photo shows.
I can only work with worsted weight yarns in the winter. As the item grows, my lap gets warmer and warmer - so it's definitely a winter sport for me.
So, do you crochet? Do you want to learn?
Thanks for visiting my blog today - come back anytime!
Jour de plantations
7 hours ago