Not much progress to report on any front. We’re waiting for the base cabinets we had to special order for the kitchen. Mighty Samurai is at a standstill. I did complete a bookmark for an EMS Board Exchange, and I’m 90% done with the Small Needlebook for Ellen’s Stitcher Tools set (also from EMS). I’m kind of excited about an idea I had for Christmas presents – when I complete the first one, I’ll share the idea (want to make sure it works – lol!).
My tiredness is due in large part to my blood sugar being out of whack. After four years of perfect control, all of sudden – it’s not. So I’m having to play around with dosages (under my doc’s supervision, I hasten to add), and putting up with the resulting swings. When it drops too far, I’m exhausted for the rest of the day. When it gets too high, my thirst is enough to drive me mad – and the frequent trips to the bathroom are a pain. Pray for me on this issue – genetics are stacked against me, and it’s being a real battle. Praise God for DH – he’s my anchor and my barometer.
I only have another 1-½ rows to crochet on the pillow top that I’ve been working on (and off – lol!) for the past year – I want to complete it mainly just so it will be done, IYKWIM. Hard to believe that at one time I crocheted for a living and completed four jackets a week.
Hopefully the next post will include some update pics. CYL!
Currently reading: To Distraction by Stephanie Laurens (a favorite escape author)
3 hours ago
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