It's stitched with 2 strands of Weeks Dye Works 4101 Trick or Treat on 14 count white aida.It turned out about 7 X 7 inches. But now, I don't know what to do with it! I love the colors for this, but it matches nothing in my house - oranges and browns are not really my colors. So I'm soliciting finishing ideas - what would you make with this?
This was my first time using WDW floss. The colors available are fantastic - but I didn't like the stiffness of the floss - guess I've been spoiled by my more recent experiences with silk floss. I also am not used to using these smaller skeins of floss - this one had five yards, and it took almost the entire skein for the giraffe :-( I did take steps to untwist the thread as I worked,, but the free end seemed to tangle and knot frequently.
All in all, I think the stitching turned out well - but I'm going to wait a while before trying another of the WDWs (I have another 23 skeins in assorted colors in my stash - so I will use it sometime - lol!)
I hope some of you have some ideas on finishing - I need something to spark my creatitvity!
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