Hopefully, I'll get my tree decorated this afternoon during the SEC championship game (
Roll Tide!). When (and if) I do, I'll take some photos - the greatest majority of my Christmas ornies are handmade by me over the past 30 something years, and other handmade ornaments have been received as gifts or in exchanges.
In the meantime, here are few more pics of other ornies that are special to me:

Away In a Manger, a freebie from the
Chart Shop (a fantastic source of free charts, most card size). It took me forever to figure out the little pink thing in the lower right corner was a pig!

Another ornie framed with a canning jar lid - I thought I remembered him being called
Mad Santa - but when I checked the Mad Santa chart is different, so now I'm not sure where I found this chart. I stitched him with four strands on 14 count green aida - I didn't want to chance the green showing through on his white fur or beard.

A beautiful Matroishka ornament I received in an exchange from an angel stitcher (from Russia).

A sweet angel stitched for me by Jenny, one of my Floss Kids.

I've seen several versions of this in different places, this one is
Microsoft Word - Anna12_Elchweihnacht NEU.doc (despite the name, clicking on this link takes you to a web page, where this title links you to a pdf document!).
While searching to make sure the above was still available as a freebie, I ran across this crocheted

Aren't they sweet? I don't read/speak German so the pdf associated with it doesn't help me! Anybody up to do some translating for me?
I hope you've enjoyed seeing some of my ornaments.
Thanks for visiting today.
So many lovely ornamets you have. I haven´t had the tinme to stitch at all. We have a lot of organiseing left in the house. This upcoming week I won´t have a car so I hope I have moore time over for getting the house organised.
Huga Lotta
Great ornies, Nita! Thanks for the link to the reindeer one :)
Nita they are all lovely. Thank you for the freebie links - off to look now. :o)
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