Wanted to share the tags I stitched for small gift baskets I made for my co-workers. These are small, only about 3" x 4", and I designed them with possible use as ornaments in future years in mind. The baskets are small, only about 6"x6", and contain a scented candle and some Christmas chocolates - I think they'll like some part of their gifts, no matter what - lol!
BTW, the DGS's teachers loved their bookmarks - they got them this morning. The younger DGS (in kindergarten) ended up choosing his own gift in the class gift exchange - all the younguns were required to gift books. When DD asked why he chose the one he had brought, he said, with perfect logic, "I wanted _that_ book"
My other DD has started blogging today - you can check her blog out at Becca's Fancies
Currently stitching: finishing ornaments for my family
Currently baking: Honey Walnut Cookies (tastes so good, you know they're bad for you - lol!)
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