Friday, December 01, 2006

This and That

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now I’m into the mad race for Christmas. How about you? Only 24 days to go!

I’m so relieved to report that one of my DH’s health issues is now resolved. He underwent a procedure yesterday that should solve it for good. We are at home and recovering from the stress and strain attendant to any medical procedure.

I’m stitching like mad to finish Christmas gifts, and only have a few more beads to attach and the wedding gift will be finished and ready for framing. I finally found a perfect frame, so hopefully will have that done this weekend.

DD asked me to design bookmarks for her to stitch to give to DGSs teachers. I’ll post a picture later this weekend of my finished efforts.

I've added a link to The Gift of Stitching - the December 06 issue is fantastic! Please do check it out. Right now you can get two years (24 issues) for only $20.00 - I'm almost at the end of my first year, and it is worth so much more than the cost. And yes, I've already renewed my subscription!

Currently stitching: Christmas Gifts!
Currently reading: Jesus the One and Only by Beth Moore

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