But here I am, letting you know I found these so you can have a chance too. The soul of generosity, that's me - lol!

And then there is April (whom I know thru TTE, Too) - she's been inspired by all the other giveaways in blogland to have her own generous giveaway. It's a MYSTERY, but she lists an incredible number of things she's including, not the least of which is something stitched by her very own self. Good for you April!
I did the finishing for my Holiday Ornament Exchange over at the EMS Board, so it's ready to go in the mail Monday. Next on the stitching schedule is the Humbug for TTE, Too.
I've been trying to decide how to finish I'm Wicked - I stitched this
I've also been sorting out my craft room - a daunting task - and looking for the old, old piece I want to finish before the end of the month for SALsuffit.

My stash diet was truly broken last night - temptation won! I ordered two charts from The Sampler Girl (they were on sale!): Jane Austen on the Weather (which I fell in love with the first time I saw it) and The Witch School Sampler 1821 (ditto!). I will probably tell DH, "Look what you got me for Christmas!" - lol! Please tell me I'm not the only one to break my diet. You've done it too, haven't you?
Thanks for visiting today!
ps: post #96
I'm Wicked turned out sweet! Hope you can find a team-safe color to pair with the blue.
The wicked piece is really cute. Maybe if you use a halloween orange fabric it wouldn't be so wrong. :o) Thanks for the links to the giveaways - I always enter but very rarely win but I have found some great blogs through these links.
Hello ! I really like your "I'm Wicked" cross stitch. It is totally wicked and the dark blue background looks great ! Thank you for sharing and I really enjoy your blog its great ! Charlie
Wicked is so cute but yes, you are correct...........NEVER put orange and blue together (ROLL TIDE!!!!)
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